sparqs' News - 2019

How good is our college? Progress Visits 2019-20 28 Nov 2019

For academic year 2019-20 Education Scotland has introduced Progress Visits for colleges, as part of the How good is our college? (HGIOC) review process. Progress Visits will take place with each college on an annual basis. The purpose of Progress… Read More

That's Quality! 2019 events roundup 28 Nov 2019

Over the Summer we held our annual induction events for college and university student officers. The focus of both events was how to use quality to enhance students’ learning and teaching experience. It was fantastic to meet so many enthusiastic… Read More

Headlines from sparqs’ first National Education Officers’ Network (NEON) event 28 Nov 2019

Our first meeting of the National Education Officers’ Network (NEON) took place on Thursday 14th November 2019 at Glasgow Caledonian University. The inaugural event was attended by 21 attendees from 16 institutions across Scotland and colleagues from NUS Scotland. Originally… Read More

Launch of sparqs’ Student Engagement Staff Network (SESN) 28 Nov 2019

sparqs' new Student Engagement Staff Network (SESN) had its first meeting on Tuesday 19th November 2019, attended by 19 staff from across 14 institutions and NUS Scotland.  The network, formerly known as the Academic Representation Coordinators’ network (ARC), aims to draw… Read More

sparqs' Christmas closing details 28 Nov 2019

Over the festive period, the sparqs office will be closed from the end of Thursday 19th December onwards, reopening on Monday 6th January 2020.   While the office is closed, you can leave a message via the website or leave a voicemail on our answerphone (0131 622 6599) and your… Read More

'Talking Student Engagement' Interview with Leila Adair and Toby Reid 28 Nov 2019

In this interview, we talk to Leila Adair and Toby Reid, S3 pupils and Young Leaders of Learning at Harlaw Academy in Aberdeen. Young Leaders of Learning (YLL) is a programme developed by Education Scotland to equip pupils to engage… Read More

Launch of sparqs' Education Officers' Network - first meeting 14th November 2019 10 Oct 2019

We are excited to announce the launch of the new sparqs’ Education Officers’ Network, which will provide an opportunity for officers from colleges and universities across Scotland to discuss and work on key sector issues together. The first meeting is taking place… Read More

ARC becomes SESN – and is open for registrations! 10 Oct 2019

We’re pleased to introduce our Student Engagement Staff Network (SESN) as the new name for our Academic Representation Co-ordinators’ network (ARC) – and to open registration for our next gathering, on Tuesday 19th November 2019 at Dundee University Students’ Association. Over… Read More

New chairs of sparqs' College and University Advisory Groups 10 Oct 2019

We are delighted to announce the appointments of new chairs for two key bodies within sparqs’ governance structure. Roddy Henry, Depute Principal (Planning and Student Experience) at Inverness College UHI, and Prof Tina Harrison, Assistant Principal (Academic Standards and Quality… Read More

Welcome to our new Development Consultants! 10 Oct 2019

We are pleased to have recently welcomed two new Development Consultants to the sparqs team, Megan Brown and Justin Walker.  Between them they bring a great balance of both experience and knowledge, which will complement the existing strengths of our… Read More

sparqs' Course Rep Training... are you reaching your Apprentices and senior phase school pupils? 10 Oct 2019

A reminder that bookings are open for sparqs Course Rep Training during 2019-20 and also a reminder about the support sparqs can provide in developing and delivering training for a range of student groups.  We have a range of Course Rep Training (CRT) products, some of… Read More

Scotland's Student Mental Health Conference - call for proposals is open! 10 Oct 2019

The call for proposals is now open for Scotland’s Student Mental Health Conference, hosted by NUS Scotland's Think Positive project.  The conference is taking place on Monday 11th May 2020 at Stirling Court Hotel and Think Positive are looking for your… Read More

'Talking Student Engagement' Interview with Rob McDermott 10 Oct 2019

In this interview, we talk to Rob McDermott, Quality Manager at Forth Valley College. Initially graduating from Bell College of Technology with an HND in Biological Sciences, he later returned to study as a mature student, graduating from Stirling University… Read More

'Talking Student Engagement' Interview with Maya Sutherland 10 Oct 2019

In this interview, we talk to Maya Sutherland, from the Centre for Academic Planning & Quality Assurance at Stellenbosch University, South Africa. Maya Sutherland manages the Quality Assurance/Evaluation process at Stellenbosch University, of all academic departments and support services divisions. She… Read More

SPOTLIGHT ON... University of Dundee’s innovative approach in supporting the Student Union Executive Team 02 Aug 2019

This ‘SPOTLIGHT ON’ features an innovative approach being used by the University of Dundee to enhance professional development within the Student Union Executive team. The Graduate Careers and Professional Development Certificate is a credit-bearing programme run by the Careers Service… Read More

'Talking Student Engagement' Interview with Kate Walsh 02 Aug 2019

In this interview, we talk to Kate Walsh, Project Manager of Student Voice Australia, a one-year pilot initiative involving ten Australian institutions who have been exploring student engagement in institutional decision-making and governance. Prior to taking up this role she worked… Read More

sparqs' 2019-20 Course Rep Training is open for bookings! 02 Aug 2019

Bookings are now open for sparqs Course Rep Training during 2019-20 ....for delivery from week beginning Monday 16th September 2019 onwards. All the information you need is on our main CRT webpage.  Please read the booking guidance before arranging your sessions and requesting dates.  We have a range of Course… Read More

Welcome to our 2019-20 Associate Trainers... and other team news! 02 Aug 2019

We are delighted to announce the appointment of an excellent team of student Associate Trainers for the coming academic year. The new team, including a returner from last year, will begin delivering Course Rep Training from week beginning 16th September… Read More

That's Quality! Colleges 2019 is now open for bookings! 28 Jun 2019

We are pleased to announce that our annual training event, That’s Quality! Colleges 2019 is now open for registrations! The two-day residential event is taking place on Wednesday 7th and Thursday 8th of August at West Park Conference Centre in Dundee. The event is for student… Read More

Young Leaders of Learning 28 Jun 2019

“Because kids know what school should be like for kids” ~ p6 pupil. sparqs is delighted to be working with Education Scotland on the Young Inspectors Programme (termed Young Leaders of Learning thanks to pupils’ recommendations!). The programme enables pupils to… Read More

'Talking Student Engagement' Interview with Lucy Gault 28 Jun 2019

In this interview, we talk to Lucy Gault, Vice President Education with Queen’s University Belfast Students’ Union, who is nearing the end of her second sabbatical year. Prior to her posts, she undertook a degree in English Literature and Sociology,… Read More

sparqs is recruiting for two Development Consultants! 28 Jun 2019

We are currently recruiting for two Development Consultants to join the staff team We are seeking two enthusiastic and dedicated people to deliver a range of activities including training, consultancy support and research and development projects. Both posts are full-time (35 hours a… Read More

Save the date for That's Quality! Colleges - open to book soon! 03 Jun 2019

If you don't already have the dates held in relevant diaries... our annual induction event for college officers, That's Quality! Colleges 2019, is taking place on Wednesday 7th & Thursday 8th August 2019 at West Park Conference Centre in Dundee.  Please save the dates for now....… Read More

SPOTLIGHT ON... EUSA and Edinburgh University's Student Partnership Agreement 03 Jun 2019

Edinburgh’s Student Partnership Agreement (SPA) is now in its second year. This agreement builds on the strength of the existing partnership between the University and the Students’ Association. It highlights how the wider University, including all students and staff, can… Read More

'Talking Student Engagement' Interview with Professor Norman Sharp OBE 03 Jun 2019

In this interview, we talk to Professor Norman Sharp OBE, who stepped down at the sparqs’ 2019 conference as chair of our Trustees (pictured right, receiving an Award at #sparqs19 to thank him and mark his invaluable contribution to sparqs… Read More

That's Quality! Universities 2019 is open for bookings! 03 Jun 2019

We are pleased to announce that our annual training event, That’s Quality! Universities 2019, is now open for registrations! The two-day residential event is taking place on Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th of July at West Park Conference Centre in… Read More

sparqs 2019-20 Associate Trainer recruitment - last chance to apply! 08 May 2019

Calling all course reps and apprentice reps! . Do you have experience as a course rep or apprentice rep? Will you be a student or apprentice during 2019-20? ....if so, and you would like to earn some income, apply to be a sparqs Associate… Read More

sparqs' team news 08 May 2019

During April we were sad to bid farewell to two of our Development Consultants, Lindsay Isaacs and Morven Stewart, as they both move on to pastures new. Both will be hugely missed, both personally and professionally! Lindsay has been a valued… Read More

sparqs' contribution at the 2019 EUA Learning and Teaching conference in Poland 08 May 2019

sparqs participated in the 2nd annual European University Association (EUA) Learning and Teaching Forum on 14th-15th February 2019 in Warsaw, Poland. The 2019 European Learning and Teaching Forum’s focus was ‘‘Towards successful learning: Controversies and common ground”, building on the recognition… Read More

SPOTLIGHT ON... Dundee and Angus College’s Support Learning Class Rep System 08 May 2019

This ‘SPOTLIGHT ON’ features Dundee and Angus College’s Support Learning Class Rep System, including how they recruit and train their reps to ensure that there is effective student representation across all classes and levels. We spoke to Sarah Rennie, Students' Association… Read More

'Talking Student Engagement' Interview with Sorcha Kirker 08 May 2019

In this interview, we talk to Sorcha Kirker, Vice-President (Higher Education) of the Highlands and Islands Students’ Association (HISA). Previously she was the Depute President for Orkney College, and was a student of archaeology (completing her undergraduate degree with UHI,… Read More

'Talking Student Engagement' Interview with Mark Charters 08 Apr 2019

In this interview, we talk to Mark Charters, Academic Development Coordinator at Glasgow School of Art. He studied at the University of Stirling, where he was also Vice-President (Education & Engagement) with the students’ association and then Representation and Student… Read More

Open for registration – Academic Rep Co-ordinators’ Network meeting on 7th May 2019! 08 Apr 2019

The third Academic Representation Co-ordinators' (ARC) Network meeting of 2018-19 is now open for registrations! The Academic Representation Co-ordinators’ Network is sparqs’ professional forum for staff in roles relating to the support of academic representation and student engagement in quality. Under the banner… Read More

#sparqs19 Conference and Awards round-up! 08 Apr 2019

.A big thank you to everyone who attended and presented at the sparqs’ 2019 conference and together contributed to making it such a resounding success! We were delighted to welcome around 200 delegates from Scotland, the rest of the UK,… Read More

Welcome to our new Chair and the launch of our new Strategic Plan 08 Apr 2019

At the sparqs’ conference on 28th March 2019, we were delighted to formally welcome Sir Andrew Cubie into his new role as Chair of the sparqs’ Trustee Board. Sir Andrew succeeds Professor Norman Sharp OBE, to whom we bid a… Read More

Student Mental Wellbeing: A Learning and Teaching Perspective 08 Apr 2019

sparqs recognises that understanding and improving student mental health and wellbeing is a priority for students, student officers, institution staff and people working across the Further and Higher Education sectors in Scotland. We are currently developing a project that will examine… Read More

Save the dates for this year's That's Quality events! 08 Apr 2019

The dates have now been confirmed for our annual induction events for officers.... That’s Quality! Universities 2019 will take place on Wednesday 17th & Thursday 18th July 2019 and That's Quality! Colleges 2019 will take place on Wednesday 7th & Thursday 8th August… Read More

'Talking Student Engagement' Interview with Megan Brown 08 Apr 2019

In this interview, we talk to Megan Brown, Academic Engagement Co-ordinator at Edinburgh University Students’ Association (EUSA). Alongside her role at EUSA, Megan sits on QAA's Student Advisory Committee and sparqs' University Advisory Group. 1. Tell us a bit about your… Read More

Course Rep of the Year Awards shortlists announcement! 19 Feb 2019

3rd sparqs' Student Engagement Awards Shortlists! We are delighted to announce the shortlists for the 'Course Rep of the Year' sparqs Student Engagement Awards! Congratulations to the following reps and thanks to everyone who took the time to nominate an outstanding… Read More

SPOTLIGHT ON…University of the West of Scotland's innovative approach to ILR 19 Feb 2019

This ‘SPOTLIGHT ON’ features the University of the West of Scotland’s innovative approach to Institution-led Review (ILR) which has been contextualised to mirror certain elements of Enhancement-led Institution Review (ELIR), and enables programme teams to focus on those areas where… Read More

International delegate programme at #sparqs19 - site visits open to book! 19 Feb 2019

We're pleased to announce that the site visits for international delegates attending #sparqs19 are now open to book! In addition to the main conference on 28th March 2019, the optional site visits and International Delegates' Day during the same week as the… Read More

'Talking Student Engagement' Interview with Tom Lowe 19 Feb 2019

In this interview, we talk to Tom Lowe, who is the Centre for Student Engagement Manager at the University of Winchester and Secretary for the international network RAISE (Researching, Advancing and Inspiring Student Engagement). Tom’s area of focus is the practicalities surrounding engaging students… Read More

Final week to register for #sparqs19 on 28th March 2019! 19 Feb 2019

If you've still to register for the sparqs' conference, please book by Friday 22nd February! Student Engagement for All is taking place on Thursday 28th March 2019 at Surgeons' Hall in Edinburgh.  #sparqs19 The conference is aimed at students, managers and practitioners in colleges, universities and other post-16… Read More

sparqs' 2019 Student Engagement Awards shortlists announced! 21 Jan 2019

Awards Shortlists announcement! We are delighted to announce the shortlists for the 2019 sparqs Student Engagement Awards for the four institutional/SA categories. Thank you to everyone who took the time to make submissions, they were of a very high standard and it was a tough… Read More

Course Rep of the Year Awards are still open + #sparqs19 registration! 21 Jan 2019

Course Rep of the Year awards are still open! .The awards for 'Course Rep of the Year' are currently still open until Friday 8th February so please get your nominations in if you'd like to see an outstanding rep recognised!   Nominations are invited for… Read More

Open for registration – Academic Rep Co-ordinators’ Network meeting on 20th February 2019! 07 Jan 2019

The second of 2018-19’s Academic Representation Co-ordinators' (ARC) Network meetings is now open for registrations! The Academic Representation Co-ordinators’ network is sparqs’ professional forum for staff in roles relating to the support of academic representation and student engagement in quality. Under the banner… Read More

'Course Rep of the Year' awards are now open for nominations! 07 Jan 2019

Nominations are now open for our 'Course Rep of the Year' awards for both colleges and universities within Scotland .The awards are part of the third sparqs Student Engagement Awards, taking place at the end of our conference on Thursday 28th… Read More

The College Improvement Project: tackling the FE attainment challenge 07 Jan 2019

Launched in 2017, the College Improvement Project (CIP), aims to improve retention and raise attainment in FE in colleges through taking a quality improvement approach to developing evidence-based practice. Five colleges across Scotland are involved in the project (Dundee & Angus,… Read More

New Year, new… exciting resources! 07 Jan 2019

Welcome to 2019! We hope you have had a wonderful festive break and are feeling recharged and ready for 2019. What better way to ease yourself back in than with some light reading? We wanted to highlight some useful resources for you… Read More

Don't miss the early-bird rate for #sparqs19 - register by Friday 18th January! 07 Jan 2019

Book before Friday 18th January to take advantage of the early-bird rate for the sparqs' conference ~ Student Engagement for All ~ #sparqs19 The conference is taking place on Thursday 28th March 2019 at Surgeons' Hall in Edinburgh, aimed at students, managers and practitioners in colleges,… Read More

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Student Engagement Framework

That's Quality! Colleges

15 Jul 2024

This event is a three-part package, as detailed below. ~ Part 1:  half-day college online event - Monday…


That's Quality! Universities

15 Jul 2024

This event is a three-part package, as detailed below. ~ Part 1:  half-day university online event - Monday…