SLP on Learner Communities

Have Photos of Your Learning Space?
....contribute to the National Student-led Project on Learner Communities

Calling all students! .....the students of the QAA Student-led Project are seeking photos of your learning environment to contribute to their photo exhibition about Scotland’s learner communities.

The Student-led Project is part of QAA Scotland’s Enhancement Themes, a core element of Scotland’s approach to Quality Enhancement in Higher Education. This year, the cohort of students have decided to focus on 'Exploring Community Partnerships for the Future of Further and Higher Education'.  Part of this work is dedicated to better representing the relationship students have with the community they are learning and living in.

We are looking for photo submissions from students currently attending a Scottish university or college. We want to see examples of how you interact with and learn in your community. Some possible suggestions of photos are:

  • Photos of your journey from home (transport to campus, international and local journeys home for holidays, etc).
  • Photos of your learning space (formal and informal).
  • Photos of places where you feel part of a learning community.
  • Photos of spaces where you interact with your local community.

We hope to get submissions from a wide variety of student experiences. There is no wrong way to interpret the prompt, so if you are interested in participating you should submit!

Submit your photos......

Photos must be submitted by students currently enrolled at a Scottish college or university and are not guaranteed to be included in the final collection. All students whose images are selected will be sent a link to the final digital gallery and will be entered into a draw for a £50 gift voucher.

The photo gallery will be displayed at QAA Scotland’s Enhancement Themes Conference in June 2023.

Please email your photo(s) to Hitanshi Badani - - with your name, institution and a short 1-2 line description. These details may be included publicly in the gallery.

We would welcome photos as soon as possible, and by Sunday 30th April 2023 at the latest (extended deadline from original date). 

Many thanks in advance and we look forward to seeing all of your photos! 


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