
Our Trustee Board and Members' Steering Group (composed of appointees from each of our partner sector agencies in Scotland) provide sparqs' direction and governance.  In addition we have two Advisory Groups, one each for the college and university sectors. All our boards and committees have student members.

sparqs receives core funding from the Scottish Funding Council (SFC). 

Details of our groups is below.

Trustee Board

  • Sir Andrew Cubie, Independent (Chair)
  • Sai Shraddha Suresh Viswanathan, NUS nominated student trustee
  • Dr Dee Bird
  • Campbell Powrie
  • Emilia Todorova
  • Beate Treml

Members' Steering Group

  • Sir Andrew Cubie, Independent (Chair)
  • TBC, NUS Scotland
  • Jo Turbitt, College Development Network
  • TBC, Colleges Scotland
  • Margaret Rose Livingstone, Education Scotland
  • Kirsty Conlon, Universities Scotland
  • Caroline Turnbull, QAA Scotland
  • Tina Harrison, University Advisory Group Chair
  • Ann Baxter, College Advisory Group Chair

Advisory Groups

Our College Advisory Group (CAG) and our University Advisory Group (UAG) include members from relevant sector agencies, plus a wide range of invited student officers, institution staff and students' association staff, based on their expertise and experiences. The Chairs of both groups sit on our Members' Steering Group as noted above.

In recent years the advisory groups have met together as our Joint Advisory Group (JAG), with a mix of meetings in person and online, around four times a year. JAG acts as a “critical friend” to sparqs, providing advice and guidance on the direction of sparqs’ work and the content of its resources, and discussing the outline of new projects. Being a part of the group enables members to gain new insights into sparqs’ work and the national picture of student engagement, and is a valuable tertiary networking space for staff and students.

From time to time we invite new members to JAG to fill gaps in expertise that we identify, and we annually recruit student members from among newly elected officers. We have a JAG members’ guide for those who have joined or who have received an invitation to join.

Student Engagement Framework

That's Quality! Colleges

15 Jul 2024

This event is a three-part package, as detailed below. ~ Part 1:  half-day college online event - Monday…


That's Quality! Universities

15 Jul 2024

This event is a three-part package, as detailed below. ~ Part 1:  half-day university online event - Monday…