15 July 2024

That's Quality! Universities


Part 1: online via Zoom (15th July: PM)
Part 2: self-study module
Part 3: QMU (5th & 6th August)


This event is a three-part package, as detailed below.

~ Part 1:  half-day university online event - Monday 15th July 2024, 2.00pm-5.00pm
~ Part 2:  self-study module for universities
~ Part 3:  two-day residential event - Monday 5th & Tuesday 6th August 2024 at QMU

That’s Quality! is aimed at new and returning student officers and students' association staff with an education remit. It provides a valuable addition to your planned induction for new officers - introducing participants to the quality enhancement agenda, looking at why quality matters to students and how to use it to make change.

The 2024 programme is split into three parts. The first part of That’s Quality! Universities is a half-day, sector-specific online event on the afternoon of Monday 15th July 2024.  The second part is an online self-study module, providing officers with a more detailed overview of quality in Scotland and is designed to be used throughout an officer’s time in office. Finally, attendees will come together with college delegates for a joint, two-day, in-person training event on Monday 5th & Tuesday 6th August 2024 at Queen Margaret University in Musselburgh.  The two-day event is residential, with a dinner on the first evening, allowing for social and networking opportunities. 

The joint, residential event is an opportunity for interactive group activities which will allow attendees to explore what they have learnt in practice and to network with colleagues from across the tertiary sector.

Delegates were requested to register by Wednesday 19th June, so if you've still to register, please do so ASAP, thanks!  

The programme hashtag, for use on X/Twitter, is #sparqsTQ

Timings and venue info

  • Half-day, online event on 15th July via Zoom, 2.00pm until 5.00pm
  • Two-day, residential event on 5th & 6th August at Queen Margaret University, QMU Conference Suite, Musselburgh, EH21 6UU (tel: 0131 474 0000)
    The event will begin at 10.00am on day 1 and finish by 5.00pm on day 2.  


We want everyone to be able to fully participate in our events, providing an inclusive environment for all delegates. We are committed to ensuring that our events are accessible to all and will make every effort to accommodate their needs. Please read below a list of the formats for both events, to check if they suit your requirements.


  • Closed captions will be enabled.
  • PowerPoint sharing on screen.
  • PowerPoint slides will be in a large dark blue font, with a white background.
  • Breakout rooms for smaller group work.
  • There will be a break in the middle to allow you to move around.

In-person event

  • Wheelchair accessible, with lifts and fully accessible toilets.
  • Disabled parking available.
  • Hearing loop enabled.
  • Printed materials will be on white paper, black Verdana font size 10.
  • PowerPoint slides will be in a large dark blue font, on a white background.
  • There will be a morning, lunch and afternoon break each day.
  • Training will be held in main plenary with approximately 80 delegates and smaller group work in separate rooms.
  • Standard rooms will have a single bed and en suite shower (cubicle) and toilet.

We can arrange printed material in different formats, BSL interpreters, mobility adaptations, dietary requirements and most other requirements. Please do let us know when you register what you need and we will endeavour to accommodate your request.


For more information, or if you have any queries regarding any parts of this programme, please contact Megan Brown, Senior Development Consultant - megan.brown@sparqs.ac.uk

Event costs and terms and conditions

The cost of this three-part programme is £95 per delegate, which includes the half-day online event, the self-study module and the joint, two-day residential event. The cost includes dinner, bed and breakfast at the residential event. sparqs will cover all the other event costs, e.g. meeting rooms, catering and development of all online materials.

It would be helpful if delegates could register by Wednesday 19th June. 

Unfortunately, we are unable to offer refunds once you have booked the course. If you book a place but are later unable to attend, you are permitted to send an alternate from your institution.


This is a chargeable event, with the following pricing options:

3-part package: online half-day, self-study module + 2-day residential£95.00

All Current & Past Events:

Student Engagement Framework

That's Quality! Colleges

15 Jul 2024

This event is a three-part package, as detailed below. ~ Part 1:  half-day college online event - Monday…


That's Quality! Universities

15 Jul 2024

This event is a three-part package, as detailed below. ~ Part 1:  half-day university online event - Monday…