Latest sparqs Headlines - 2018

Interview with Ignas Gaižiūnas, student at Vilnius University in Lithuania 27 Nov 2018

In this interview, we talk to Ignas Gaižiūnas, student at Vilnius University (VU) in Lithuania. He is studying an MSc in Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, and has held various representative posts in Vilnius University Students’ representation (VU SA). He also has… Read More

Call for university students! Focus On Project: Graduate Skills... join the tweet chat on 5th December! 26 Nov 2018

QAA are hosting a tweet chat for the new Focus On Project: Graduate Skills on Wednesday 5th December 2018 8pm-9pm. This is an opportunity for students to share their experiences and thoughts on the topic which will shape the direction… Read More

Interview with Dr Lucy Mercer-Mapstone, The University of Edinburgh 26 Oct 2018

In this interview, we talk to Dr Lucy Mercer-Mapstone, a Research Fellow at The University of Edinburgh’s Institute for Academic Development. She is on a six month fellowship from Australia, having worked previously at the University of Queensland. 1.  Could you… Read More

Register now for the next ARC Network meeting on 27th November 2018 22 Oct 2018

Bookings are still open for the first ARC Network meeting of 2018-19, taking place on Tuesday 27th November at Edinburgh Napier Students' Association.  The Academic Representation Co-ordinators’ network is sparqs’ professional forum for staff in roles relating to the support of… Read More

Interview with Stewart Kirkland, sparqs Associate Trainer and student at Edinburgh Napier University 25 Sep 2018

In this interview, we talk to Stewart Kirkland, one of sparqs’ new Associate Trainers for 2018-19. After a 13-year career in the Royal Air Force he went on to hold a variety of positions with the police in Scotland. “Retiring”… Read More

sparqs 2018-19 Course Rep Training is open for bookings! 30 Aug 2018

Bookings are now open for sparqs Course Rep Training during 2018-19 ....for delivery from week beginning Monday 17th September 2018 onwards.  All the information you need is on our main CRT webpage.  Please read the booking guide before arranging your sessions and requesting dates.  We have a range of Course Rep Training… Read More

Interview with William Hasty, QAA Scotland 29 Aug 2018

In this interview, we talk to William Hasty, Quality and Enhancement Specialist with QAA Scotland. He started the role in March 2018, prior to which he was Learning Enhancement Officer at the Open University in Scotland. Previously he worked with… Read More

Interview with Gemma Jones, NUS Scotland 31 Jul 2018

In this interview, we talk to Gemma Jones, Deputy President of NUS Scotland for 2018-19, whose job involves leading on quality and education within the NUS Scotland executive. She has just completed a sabbatical year as President of the SRUC… Read More

Launch of sparqs' new ELIR Cycle 4 Practice Guide 18 Jul 2018

sparqs is delighted to announce the publication of our ELIR Cycle 4 Practice Guide, designed to support students' association representatives and staff to have meaningful student engagement throughout the ELIR (Enhancement-led Institutional Review) process.   The practice guide, launched at our That's Quality! Universities event… Read More

Save the date! 'Student Engagement for All' - sparqs Conference - 28th March 2019! 15 Jul 2018

We are delighted to announce that sparqs will be holding its biennial conference on Thursday 28th March 2019, at Surgeons’ Hall in Edinburgh.   The theme for the conference is ‘Student Engagement for All’. It will provide an opportunity to focus on… Read More

That's Quality! Colleges 2018 02 Jul 2018

There's still time to sign up to attend That's Quality! Colleges taking place on Wednesday 8th & Thursday 9th August 2018 at West Park Conference Centre in Dundee. The event will provide a comprehensive introduction to national arrangements and procedures that help colleges ensure… Read More

Interview with Oisin Hassan, Union of Students in Ireland 27 Jun 2018

In this interview, we talk to Oisín Hassan, Vice-President for Academic Affairs at the Union of Students in Ireland (USI). Previously he was Vice-President (Education) at Queen’s University Belfast Student’ Union. He was recently re-elected to serve a second year… Read More

sparqs' Privacy Policy has been updated 25 May 2018

Please note that the sparqs Privacy Policy has been updated in line with the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) now in force within Europe, as of 25th May 2018.  We would encourage anyone who uses our services to read this updated policy,… Read More

Interview with Meera Sabaratnam, SOAS University of London 24 May 2018

In this interview, we talk to Dr Meera Sabaratnam, lecturer and BA Programme Convenor in International Relations at SOAS University of London. She has a strong research interest in colonial and post-colonial relations, statebuilding and development, and has been undertaking… Read More

Interview with Matt Adie, University of Stirling Students' Union 26 Apr 2018

In this interview, we talk to Matt Adie, Vice-President (Education) at the University of Stirling Students’ Union and Student Theme Lead for the current QAA Enhancement Theme “Evidence for Enhancement: Improving the Student Experience”. Matt is currently in his final… Read More

sparqs 2018-19 Associate Trainer recruitment is now closed 19 Mar 2018

As of 12noon on Monday 8th May 2018, our current recruitment campaign for Associate Trainers is now closed.  The recruitment pages are still currently available for reference only, until the recruitment process is complete. Calling all course reps and apprentices!  Do you… Read More

Interview with Stewart Squire, Dundee University Students' Association 18 Mar 2018

In this interview, we talk to Stewart Squire, Democratic Support & Policy Co-ordinator at Dundee University Students’ Association (DUSA). Stewart’s role involves a range of support for student engagement, and he previously worked at the Abertay University Students’ Association as… Read More

sparqs ARC Network - May 2018 meeting is open for bookings! 17 Mar 2018

Registration is now open for our next Academic Representation Co-ordinators’ network meeting, taking place on Wednesday 9th May 2018 at University of Stirling Students' Union.  Our third and final meeting of the 2017-18 academic year has a packed and exciting agenda, with two sessions on course reps… Read More

sparqs HGIOC event: Influencing the college quality arrangements - 19th April 2018 17 Mar 2018

We are pleased to announce that, in response to requests from college officers, sparqs is holding a How good is our college? event on Thursday 19th April 2018 at the sparqs/NUS offices in Edinburgh.  The event will help inform officers… Read More

Interview with Kerry Harrison, Robert Gordon University Students' Union 27 Feb 2018

In this interview, we talk to Kerry Harrison, President (Education and Welfare) of Robert Gordon University Students’ Union. Previously she studied Management with HR and got involved with the union through the Mental Wellbeing Society. 1. You’re coming to the end… Read More

Sign up for QAA Scotland's Focus On Feedback from Assessment event: 22nd March 2018 in Glasgow 26 Feb 2018

.Registration is open for QAA Scotland's Focus On: Feedback from Assessment event on Thursday 22nd March 2018 at the Grand Central Hotel, Glasgow. The event will showcase work undertaken in support of the nation-wide Focus On project and will explore the following topics: Institutional approaches… Read More

sparqs Strategic Planning – looking ahead to 2021... 15 Feb 2018

sparqs Trustee Board is pleased to announce the start of a planning process to develop a strategic plan to guide our work until 2021. Since the launch of its last plan in 2013 sparqs has made great strides in promoting… Read More

College officers and course reps - help shape the Professional Standards for Lecturers in Scotland’s Colleges! 02 Feb 2018

sparqs is running 2 workshops to enable college student officers and course reps to contribute to CDN’s current review of the existing Professional Standards for Lecturers in Scotland’s Colleges. The events are taking place on Tuesday 27th February in Edinburgh and Tuesday 6th March… Read More

Interview with Cathy Bovill, The University of Edinburgh 23 Jan 2018

In this interview, we talk to Cathy Bovill, Senior Lecturer in Student Engagement at The University of Edinburgh’s Institute for Academic Development. Previously she worked at the University of Glasgow for nine years. 1. Can you start off by telling us… Read More

QAA are recruiting ELIR4 student reviewers - deadline 6th Feb! 23 Jan 2018

QAA Scotland are currently seeking student reviewers for the ELIR 4 review cycle. ELIR has a strong emphasis on the student learning experience, and student reviewers play an important role as review team members. Student reviewers are expected to have… Read More

Pledge to take part in the NUS Sustainable Development Goals teach-in during week beginning 19th February! 22 Jan 2018

The NUS Sustainability Department are asking educators across UK universities and colleges to pledge to include the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in their teaching, learning, and assessment during the week of 19th to 23rd February 2018. The SDGs are a set… Read More

Join QAA's Twitter chat on university feedback on 1st Feb! 22 Jan 2018

... What do you think about the feedback you receive at university? @QAAScotland is hosting a twitter chat on 1st February to hear your views on what makes feedback helpful or unhelpful. This will inform the nation-wide Feedback from Assessment 'Focus On' project and… Read More

ARC Network meeting on 20th February is open for bookings! 18 Jan 2018

Registration is still open for our next Academic Representation Co-ordinators’ network meeting, taking place on Tuesday 20th February 2018 at Dundee University Students' Association.  The meeting will include substantial sessions on key developments in the two sectors (HGIOC for colleges and ELIR for universities), including involvement of the… Read More

15th Enhancement Themes Conference - 7th June 2018 17 Jan 2018

Save the date for QAA Scotland's 15th Enhancement Conference - Evaluation, Evidence and Enhancement: inspiring staff and students.  The conference is taking place on Thursday 7th June 2018, at Glasgow Caledonian University.   The conference will showcase activity around the latest Enhancement Theme… Read More

Headlines Archive:

Student Engagement Framework

That's Quality! Colleges

15 Jul 2024

This event is a three-part package, as detailed below. ~ Part 1:  half-day college online event - Monday…


That's Quality! Universities

15 Jul 2024

This event is a three-part package, as detailed below. ~ Part 1:  half-day university online event - Monday…