29 Mar 2023

Course Rep Training – planning for 2023-24

This article is a prompt for Course Rep Training Organisers (Representation Co-ordinators and those with similar remits in colleges and universities across Scotland) to consider your plans for delivering Course Rep Training (CRT) during 2023-24, if you haven’t already done so.

We have begun our annual process of planning CRT support to colleges and universities across Scotland and will soon be in contact with CRT Organisers to discuss plans for the year ahead, and how we can support any developments that you may be considering.

In the majority of cases, Introductory CRT is delivered in one of the three ways outlined below. Most of these follow a two-part model – an online self-study module followed by a session with a trainer.

  1. The AT Scheme – sparqs trains your course reps.
  2. The IAT Scheme – sparqs trains your institutional trainers to equip them to train your course reps.
  3. Course Rep Training organised in-house.

We will soon be contacting those institutions/SAs that generally take part in the AT or IAT Scheme (options 1 and 2), to ask your plans for the year ahead. For SAs that deliver introductory CRT in-house (option 3), do please get in touch if we can support you in any way or if you would like to discuss joining either of the other two schemes.

Your prompt reply will help us to plan our support for these varied needs across the sector.

  1. In the case of the AT Scheme, your reply helps us to recruit and train the required number of sparqs Associate Trainers (ATs).  AT Recruitment is currently open! 
  2. In the case of the IAT Scheme, your reply helps us plan in terms of numbers for the residential training event taking place from 22nd-25th August 2023. You will need to recruit your in-house trainers in plenty time, in order that they can be included in the residential training.
  3. In the case of entirely in-house training, you can request to view sparqs materials for 2023-24 once they are available, to help you prepare your in-house materials.

We would therefore ask Course Rep Training Co-ordinators to please begin to think about your CRT plans for the year ahead, if you've not already done so.  As noted above, we will be in touch in due course, but please feel free to contact us sooner if you have any queries, in particular if you are considering any changes or developments to your CRT in the year ahead.

Further information and queries

See our website for further information on Course Rep Training, including our Introductory CRT as well as our wider range of CRT products and materials. which may also be of interest.

Please get in touch with Nicola Cameron, Business Manager with any queries, or to discuss your CRT needs - nicola.cameron@sparqs.ac.uk.

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