12 July 2016 to 13 Jul 2016

That’s Quality! 2016: Residential induction event for university education officers


A two-day residential training event for university student officers with an education remit and students’ association staff

Aim: to equip participants with the knowledge and ability to use the quality enhancement agenda to deliver change for their students’ learning and teaching experience.


The event enabled participants to:

  • Be able to describe the various elements of Quality Enhancement Framework.
  • Be able to explain the roles of the different sector agencies and the support they can provide.
  • Be able to explain how quality affects their students’ learning experiences.
  • Be aware of the current issues affecting the quality landscape (including the Teaching Excellence Framework).
  • Create an action plan to enhance their students’ learning experience

Audience: Student officers with an education remit, Students’ Association staff and senior reps/executive officers.


The materials from the day can be viewed here:

Some other useful documents referenced at the training:


The event hashtag, for use on Twitter, was #TQ16uni

The event began at 10.30am on Tuesday 12th and finished at 4.00pm on Wednesday 13th of July.  Dinner, bed and breakfast were provided at West Park Dundee for the cost of £58.95 (inclusive of VAT) per delegate. sparqs covered all the other costs associated with the training.

For further information about this event, please contact Hannah Clarke, Development Consultant – hannah.clarke@sparqs.ac.uk - 07966104056

All Current & Past Events:

Student Engagement Framework

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