18 Jul 2018

Launch of sparqs' new ELIR Cycle 4 Practice Guide

sparqs is delighted to announce the publication of our ELIR Cycle 4 Practice Guide, designed to support students' association representatives and staff to have meaningful student engagement throughout the ELIR (Enhancement-led Institutional Review) process.  

The practice guide, launched at our That's Quality! Universities event on 17th and 18th July 2018, provides context and background to the ELIR process and makes suggestions of ‘what you need to do’ at each stage of the process. These tips are built on good practice in the sector and the experience of sparqs and QAA Scotland. They are particularly relevant to students’ association representatives and staff but are useful to consider for anyone involved in the review.

ELIR Cycle 4 will run between 2017-2022 and more details about the process, and definitive guidance, can be found in QAA Scotland’s ELIR 4 Handbook. QAA Scotland have also published ‘Preparing for Enhancement-led Institutional Review’ which provides advice and guidance for institutions on how to approach ELIR. 

The sparqs guidance is designed to complement the QAA guidance. There is much that students - particularly senior student officers with education remits - can do before, during and after an ELIR review, and sparqs offers support in this. We can provide a bespoke session to student officers in universities that are preparing for ELIR, and also provide more detailed consultancy support where required.

For further information on ELIR please see our ELIR webpage and visit the ELIR webpage on the QAA Scotland website.

All of the guidance documents above can be accessed via the sparqs Resource Library.

For more information, please contact Steph Kirkham.

Headlines Archive:

Student Engagement Framework

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That's Quality! Universities

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